1. shifted spaces

    dv (photo film)
    duration: 23'10"
    4:3, PAL, stereo,

    The film consists of three parts: Act 1 focuses, in close-up, on visitors to a former concentration camp in Sztutowo, Poland. For a moment the visitors / tourists can be seen, only to quickly be replaced by a black screen, although they can still be heard talking. In Act 2, photographs of the newer area of the former camp (closed to the public) are accompanied by audio of a guide giving a brief historical introduction of the camp to the group of German visitors. The third part, 'intermedium', draws out the historical context and comments on the first two acts, while closely studying old maps, and also focusing on the present and former functions of the buildings and on the railway tracks that run across the location. 
The film focuses on how traumatic events are being translated and represented by the present-day visitors, and on how these life-changing events can be traced back in the landscape, decades after they have occurred and draws attention to the hardly visible remains and untold stories that hide behind the common representation.

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