1. Towards tactical interpassivity - from submission to subversion

    Towards tactical interpassivity - from submission to subversion


    a critical analysis of interpassivity and interactivity in the context of new art forms and social movements with the focus on the tactical use of (new) media.


    This essay covers research on open-ended forms of participatory interaction and the tactical involvement of multi-disciplinary individuals / groups who, by overlapping disciplines and by constantly rethinking employed tactics, manage to transgress the presets, even if it’s only momentarily. In preset regimes of coding and decoding (subjectivation), mutation is a crucial tactic in avoiding interpellation. Upheaval can be stimulated in an act of flight, a drift - a deliberate betrayal of rules and orders. Through constant actualization of connections, new energies are being released that help creative and tactical evolvement. Interpassivity, as the result of a constant call for recognition from institutional and governmental systems, is a tactical mutation that transgresses the limits (constitutes de-subjectivation).

    The essay has been nominated for the Rietveld Academy prize for the best thesis.

    A few copies of the book are still available for 10 euro + postage. If you are interested in requesting a copy of the book, please get in contact (see the contact section for information).

    book, 14.8 x 21.0 cm,
    64 pages, paperback, full color digital print.
    limited edition (25 copies).


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