1. workshop: intersections - exchange platform

    outcome first draft

    outcome first draft

    The workshop was aimed at exploring the intersection of art, theory, activism, and hacking, and providing a platform to discuss the opportunities arising from the work on these intersections.  How can a transdisciplinary practice be established?

    During the workshop, possible models of approach/ intervention and tactical tools were sketched that could be applied in practice, whether that of an activist, a hacker, an artist, a theoretician or anyone else working on the intersection of disciplines.

    Moderators for this workshop were:

    Annette Krauss (artist whose conceptually-based artistic practice focuses on the intersection of art and politics in the form of participatory activities, performances and research into educational structures)

    Denis 'JAROMIL' Roio (open source code developer, media artist, social activist http://jaromil.dyne.org/ )

    Willem van Weelden (media theoretician) - canceled.

    Shailoh Phillips.

    The idea for the exchange platform is based on the essay titled:
    Towards tactical interpassivity - from submission to subversion

    Through an open call people were invited to come share their experience, add ideas, and modify the existing understandings of a singular practice.

    The project was commissioned for The Object Lag, Cross-Reference, which looked into the practice of writing and the use of theory as an integral part of work by artists and designers. Cross-Reference aimed to explore potential readings of essays, texts and approaches in writing by experimenting with possible forms of presentation that aim to reach beyond a linear reading or a presentation in printed form alone.

    Cross Reference is Part Four of The Object Lag, the 2010 year programme of Nieuwe Vide, curated by the artist Emily Williams.

    The workshop took place on 2nd October 2010, in the context of T.O.L. # 15 The Object Lag, Cross-Reference from 18.09 until 15.10.2010 at Nieuwe Vide, Haarlem, Netherlands

for dedicated people

Built with Berta.me